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My Games, GDD, proposals and concepts

Here, you will find all the games, game documentation, proposals and concepts I've done in the last few years and their links to I also have a Google Drive in which I save all the other documents. Important ones. You can find them at this link.

Peñaza: Honor y Caballería

Year: 2023
Platform: PC

Genre: Puzzle/textual adventure

Published on:


The Game

A graphic adventure that pays homage to the old-school point-and-click and textual adventures. In which you take control of the AI of a 90's videogame, guiding the player (Lucia) alongside the story.

My Role in the develpoment

My job in this project was to create the backstory and the characters while working side by side with the other game designers to create the puzzles of the game's first levels.

a’ lotta of blooda, a’ lotta of gold, and no mootcha onorrr

Year: 2023

Type of document: Narrative GDD

A narrative world-building GDD was created as a university work. Two crucial elements heavily inspire this setting:
First, the real Italian history during the 1600s was when small decadent duchies and republics fought each other with bravos armies. All the while, the peninsula was torn by the influences of the other European superpowers. 
Second is the spaghetti fantasy genre, an Italian gothic narrative genre with heavy influences by Berserk and the spaghetti western movie genre.

The setting tries to reproduce the complexity of the Italian culture and history by adapting this differently. colors of I, such as accent, politics, and architecture


I'm currently adapting it as a DnD campaign and setting. 


In Memoriam:
The Massacres of Foibe

Year: 2023

Type of document: proposal/short GDD

Academic proposal for an App designed to encourage civil action to help identify the victims of the Foibe Massacres and the Julian Dalmata exodus and to endure the memory of those victims.
Also, the app will offer didactics and divulgation about those tragic historical events.



Shots Aboard 

Year: 2022
Platform: PC

Genre: FPS arena

Published on:

The Game

A fast FPS arena where the player takes control of a mercenary who, with the help of his specially designed shotgun, which allows her to jump high, has the duty of cleaning a space cruise in which the security robots have gone rough. 

My Role in the develpoment

Upon realizing this game, I worked as a game and level designer in the first half of the project, later being moved to the 3D art department of the team working on the inanimate objects in the maps.

Palermo's Spring

Year: 2023

Type of document: proposal

A brief game proposal about a 3D graphic adventure set in the years of the so-called "primavera di Palermo" (Palermo's Spring), years during when the politics, the state, and the police started fighting back against the Mafia coscas that had put on its knee the island.


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